On 07/16, we got a call from one of the hospital nurses at 5am and were asked to check in since some beds had become available... great!
We got to the hospital at around 6:30am, were checked in and put in a room. After all the basic paperwork and procedures, I was checked and was told that I was 2cm dilated already. Cervidil was started around 10am and after just 2 hours, I was checked again and told I was about 4cm, so the doctor said I could get an epidural and she would break my water to speed things up. I agreed and the epi was given.. at this point I didn't feel any pain so it was more of an elective epidural... I sat, watched TV, went online and spoke to some visitors as I waited for time to pass.. I was rather comfortable....
Around 8:30pm, I started feeling my contractions, which were strong, but not that painful... my doctor got called in and I was at 10cm already.. I was amazed about how fast thing had progressed... Around 9:05pm, I was ready to push... so I did... I pushed 5 times and out she came.. born exactly at 09:20pm, she weighed 7lbs 10oz and was 18 1/2 in long... She is beautiful and perfect in every way and I'm so happy my labor went so well....
Thanks everyone for following my pregnancy blog all this time, thanks for all the kind comments and advice.
For those of you who are interested in following my blog and our life as a family of four, you can do so by visiting my personal blog, titled "A world of my own" , which I update weekly.
I can't believe this journey is over and I'm looking forward to our new life!
1 comment:
Congratulations!!! She is beautiful! It is great to hear all these induction stories where the labor and delivery goes really fast. That is because it might be me next tuesday!
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