Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Week 27

Week 27 is over... there's only 12 weeks left to this pregnancy and it seems like an eternity.. I know I'm sounding very negative but time just seems to be dragging on....
This week was better than last but still not that great... The heartburn did get a bit better but my back is killing me...I've been experiencing horrible lower back pain and I continue to get extremely exhausted.
Also, I feel like my feet are swollen and my belly is getting really huge...
On a lighter note, I did have a great prenatal appointment today. So far I have gained a total of 9 lbs and my belly is measuring right at 28 weeks; also my blood pressure is very good and I seem to be doing well with the growth. Gaby's heart rate was around the upper 150's, so perfect. The doctor did say I need to drink lots of fluids and pee more often because some traces of bacteria were found in my urine. He said it was nothing to worry about but did recommend that I drink some cranberry juice on a daily basis...
My next appointment is scheduled for May 26th, and then appointments will be every two weeks until week 36; from then on.. every week.. crazy, huh?

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