Thursday, June 11, 2009

Braxton Hicks!

It's official... I'm feeling tons of Braxton Hicks (practice contractions) on a daily basis. This is driving me insane! I'm about 6 weeks away from my due date and my uterus will not stop contracting. I know it's false labor contractions because I've been through this before and this is exactly what happened when I was about this far along in my first pregnancy.
Also... I feel a lot of pressure in my pelvis, which could indicate that the baby has started to drop..yay for that, although it doesn't really mean anything....
This week I lost my mucus plug and that felt weird, although I know it's just my body getting ready to give birth within a month or so....
This is when pregnancy gets exciting and the end seems a lot closer... it's crazy how fast time has been passing and how excited I'm getting!
I can't wait until next appointment, when the doctor will check for dilation and progress!! wow! baby Gaby will be here in no time!! ;)


Tara Lynne said...

YAY, I can't wait to see her:)

Unknown said...

Those Braxton Hicks are a big fat tease, arent' they? ;)